Peas: Determination of foreign material in feed peas
Foreign material in feed peas is defined as any material other than whole peas, broken peas or pea seed coats.
- Using a Boerner-type divider, divide the gross sample to obtain a representative portion.
- Handpick the representative portion to remove all foreign material.
Note: Any approved sieve may be used to expedite the determination of foreign material, however only material other than peas, broken peas and pea seed coats is assessed as foreign material.
Optional analysis
Where a shipper requests special cleaning of a carlot of grain at a terminal elevator, and the elevator manager agrees, dockage material will be analyzed for the presence of grain. The percentage and grade of any grain contained in the dockage will be reported.
- Analyze the official sample.
- Record the following on inspection records:
- The percentage by gross weight to the nearest 0.1% and the grade of peas.
- The percentage by gross weight to the nearest 0.1% and the grade of grain separable from dockage.
- The percentage of dockage.
- 95.0% Peas number 1 Canada Yellow
- 4.0% Peas Sample Canada Yellow Account Splits
- 1.0% dockage