Clarification of sprouted definition in canola

Memorandum No. 2024-15


The Canadian Grain Commission has received multiple industry inquiries related to the current Official Grain Grading Guide definition used to assess sprouted damage in canola. The Canadian Grain Commission and industry are seeing canola samples from this year’s crop with abnormally high amounts of varying degrees of sprouting.



  • Sprouted canola is defined as those seeds having a ruptured seed coat in combination with either a sprout that protrudes beyond the normal contour of the seed (seeds 1 and 2) or distinct swelling of the seed (seeds 3 and 4). Seeds having a ruptured seed coat that are otherwise sound (seeds 5 and 6) are only considered sprouted when found in combination with seeds meeting the definition of sprouted (seeds 1, 2, 3 and 4).

Conclusion and next steps

Preliminary results performed by the Canadian Grain Commission’s Grain Research Laboratory suggest that canola displaying cracked seed coats less than seeds 5 and 6 should not be assessed as sprouted. Not assessing seeds with cracked seed coats less than seeds 5 and 6 will significantly reduce the amount of sprouted and resulting downgrades.

Further research on the impacts of sprouted canola on end use quality is underway to ensure the grading standards are science based and appropriate for the degrading factor they represent. Once that research has been completed, it will be shared with Standards committees for discussion and possible changes to the existing definition and tolerances.

Contact us

For more information about requirements for condition of grain at delivery, contact our Industry Services Team.


Questions related to this memorandum should be directed to Derek Bunkowsky, Chief Grain Inspector for Canada, at 204-297-8541 or at

Derek Bunkowsky
Chief Grain Inspector for Canada
Industry Services