Sunflower seed: Determination of dockage


Dockage is assessed and recorded to the nearest 0.1%.

Dockage is defined under the Canada Grain Act as “any material intermixed with a parcel of grain, other than kernels of grain of a standard of quality fixed by or under this Act for a grade of that grain, that must and can be separated from the parcel of grain before that grade can be assigned to the grain”. Dockage is removed by following the cleaning procedures described in this section of the guide.

The sample as it arrives is referred to as the uncleaned or dirty sample. Its weight is the gross weight of the sample. Dockage is assessed on the gross weight of the sample.

Dockage not reported

Important:Dockage is not reported for

  • Sunflower Seed, Sample Canada Account Fireburnt
  • Sunflower Seed, Sample Salvage
  • Sunflower Seed, Sample Condemned
  • Unofficial samples declared as processed

Normal cleaning procedures

Important: Wear gloves and a mask to handle any samples that you suspect may contain hazardous substances.

  1. Set up the Carter dockage tester as follows:
    Feed control # 7
    # 9 for large-seeded varieties
    Air control # 5
    # 7 for large-seeded varieties
    Riddle none
    Top sieve none
    Centre sieve blank tray
    Bottom sieve none
    Sieve cleaner control none
  2. Using a Boerner-type divider, divide the uncleaned sample to obtain a representative portion.
    • Official samples shall be at least 1 kg.
    • Unofficial samples shall be at least 1 kg.
  3. Sieve portions of approximately 250 grams at a time.
  4. Nest the number 24 or number 18 round-hole sieve over one of the following sieves, depending on the size of the seeds:
    • the number 10 round-hole sieve
    • the number 6 buckwheat sieve
  5. Handpick from the material remaining on top of the number 24 or number 18 round-hole sieve all whole or broken sunflower seeds. Return them to the portion passing through the number 24 or number 18 round-hole sieve and remaining on top of the number10 round-hole or number 6 buckwheat sieve.
  6. Pass through the Carter dockage tester the material which has passed through the number 24 or number 18 round-hole sieve and remains on top of the number 10 round-hole sieve (or the number 6 buckwheat sieve).
  7. Handpick whole sound sunflower seeds from the material removed by aspiration and return them to the cleaned sample.
  8. Using a Boerner-type divider, divide a portion of approximately 250 g.
  9. Handpick the 250-g portion for inseparable material including broken hulls. Determine what components of the handpicked inseparable material will be considered dockage as directed under Composition of dockage
  10. Note: At this point the handpicked 250 g portion should be used to determine test weight.

  11. Determine dockage, using the list under Composition of dockage.

Composition of dockage

  • Material removed by either the number 24 or number 18 round-hole sieve, except sound whole sunflower seeds
  • Material removed by aspiration, except sound whole sunflower seeds

    Note: Very immature seeds containing no meats are not considered sound.

  • Material passing through either the number 10 round-hole sieve or the number 6 buckwheat sieve
  • Coarse material handpicked from the sieved sample
  • Soft earth pellets and other grains handpicked from the sieved sample up to 2.5%
  • Sclerotinia present in the handpicked sample; up to 2% is treated as a grade determinant and also included in dockage

    Note: In samples eligible for off-grades, other grains, sclerotinia and soft earth pellets are considered a grading factor and are not added to the dockage.

Commercially clean (CCLN)

Samples exiting primary elevators with dockage levels up to 5.0% are considered commercially clean.

Optional analysis

Where a shipper requests special cleaning of a carlot of grain at a terminal elevator, and the elevator manager agrees, dockage material will be analyzed for the presence of grain. The percentage and grade of any grain contained in the dockage will be reported.


  1. Analyze the official sample.
  2. Record the following on inspection records:
    • The percentage by gross weight to the nearest 0.1% and the grade of sunflower seed.
    • The percentage by gross weight to the nearest 0.1% and the grade of grain separable from dockage.
    • The percentage of dockage.


    • 95.0% Sunflower Seed, number 1 Canada Confectionary
    • 4.0% Domestic Mustard Seed, number 1 Canada Oriental
    • 1.0% dockage