Standard abbreviations
The following standard abbreviations are used in inspection reports, official records and certificates.
Term | Abbreviation |
account | AC |
adhered hulls | ADHULLS |
adhered soil | ADHS |
admixture | ADMX |
aflatoxin | AFL |
amber durum | AD |
approximately | APPROX |
artificial stain | ART STND |
aspiration | ASP |
aspiration, roughage and broken | ASPRHGEBKN |
attrition | ATT |
Avery bushel | A bu |
azuki (adzuki) | AZU |
barley | BLY |
barley of other classes | BOOC |
barley of other types | BOOT |
beans | BEN |
binburnt | BBT |
binburnt, severely mildewed, rotted, mouldy | BBTSEVMILROTMLDY |
black | BLK |
black hilum | BHIL |
black turtle | BKT |
blackeye | BKE |
blackpoint | BLK PT |
bleached | BLCH |
blue-eye mould | BEM |
bran pellets | BRAN PLTS |
broken | BKN |
broken after cleaning | BKNACL |
broken and shrunken | BKN&SHR |
broken deducted | BKN DED |
broken grain | BKN GRN |
broken left | BKN LEFT |
broken or shrunken | BKN OR SHR |
brown | BRN |
brown hilum | BRNHIL |
buckwheat | BWT |
Canada | CAN |
Canada Eastern | CE |
Canada Northern Hard Red | CNHR |
Canada Prairie Spring | CPS |
Canada Prairie Spring Red | CPSR |
Canada Prairie Spring White | CPSW |
Canada Western | CW |
Canada Western Amber Durum | CWAD |
Canada Western Extra Strong | CWES |
Canada Western Red Spring | CWRS |
Canada Western Red Winter | CWRW |
canary seed | CNY SD |
canola | CNL |
canola and mustard seed | CNL & MUS |
canola / mustard seed | CNL/MUS |
canola meal | CNL MEAL |
centimetre | cm |
cereal grain | C GRN |
chaff | CHF |
chaff and dust | CHF & DUST |
chickpeas | CHKPEA |
chlorophyll | CHLL |
clean | CLN |
clover | CLV |
cockle | COC |
cockle other classes | COC OCL |
colour, colours | CLR |
commercially clean | CCLN |
composite | COMP |
condemned | CNDM |
confectionery | CONF |
conspicuous admixture | CADMX |
container | CONT |
contaminated | CONTAM |
contrasting classes | CON CL |
contrasting colours | CON CLR |
copper | COP |
corn | CRN |
cow cockle | CCOC |
cracked | CRKD |
cracked corn | CC |
cracked corn and foreign material | CCFM |
cracked seed coat | CSDC |
cracked seed coats including splits | CSDC&SPLTS |
cranberry | CBY |
damage | DMG |
damaged | DMGD |
damage, foreign material and contrasting classes | DMGFMCONCL |
damp | DP |
damp extra | DP EX |
damp sample | DP SPLE |
damp sample Canada | DP SPLE CAN |
dark green speckled | DGS |
dark immature | DKIM |
dark hilum | DHIL |
dark red kidney | DRK |
deducted | DED |
degermed | DGM |
dehulled | DHULL |
dehulled seed | DHULL SD |
dehydrated | DEH |
destination | DEST |
destroyed | DST |
different | DIFF |
different classes combined | DCC |
different grades combined | DGC |
discoloured | DCLR |
distinctly detrimental | DDET |
distinctly green | DGR |
dockage | DKG |
dockage excreta | DKG EXCR |
domestic | DOM |
domestic mustard seed | DMS |
domestic seeds and green and tfm | DSDSGRNTFM |
downy mildew | DWNY MIL |
dutch brown | DBR |
earth pellets | EP |
eastern | E |
elevator | ELEV |
empty, clean and dry | ECD |
ergot | ERG |
ergoty | ERGY |
excreta | EXCR |
experimental | EXPRMTL |
export ready | ER |
extra | EX |
extra strong | ES |
faba beans | FBN |
fair colour | FCLR |
fairly good colour | FGCLR |
fairly sound | FSND |
fairly sweet | FST |
feed | FD |
falling number | FN |
fertilizer | FERT |
fertilizer pellets | FERT PLTS |
final quality determination | FQD |
fireburnt | FBNT |
flaxseed | FLX |
flax pellets | FLX PLTS |
fm is excluded as a grading factor | FMXGF |
food | FOOD |
foreign material | FM |
foreign material excluding cereal | FMXCGRN |
foreign material excluding cereal grains and wild oats | FMXCGRNWO |
foreign material excluding grain | FMXGRN |
foreign material excluding other grains | FMXOG |
foreign material excluding other cereal grains | FMXOCG |
frost | FR |
frost light | FR LT |
frost severe | FR SEV |
frost total | FR TOT |
fusarium damage | FUS DMG |
general purpose | GP |
germination | GERM |
glabrous | GLB |
good natural colour | GNCLR |
grade | GRD |
grading factor | GRD FAC |
grade improvement | GRDIMP |
grain | GRN |
gram | g |
grass green | GRASS GR |
grasshopper parts | GPT |
grey hilum | GHIL |
great northern | GTN |
green | GR |
green peas | GR PEA |
guaranteed | G |
hail damage | H DMG |
handpick | HP |
handpick coarse material | HP CURSMTL |
handpick earth pellets | HP EP |
handpick foreign material | HP FM |
handpick hulled seed | HP HULL SD |
handpick inseparable material | HP INSPMTL |
handpick other grain | HP OG |
handpick roughage | HP RHGE |
handpick vegetable matter | HP VM |
hard red spring | HRS |
hard red winter | HRW |
hard vitreous kernels | HVK |
hard white spring | HWS |
hard white winter | HWW |
heated | HTD |
heat stress | HTS |
head rot | HEAD ROT |
heated binburnt | HTD BBT |
heavy | HVY |
hectolitre | hL |
hp coarse material | HPCURSMTL |
hulled/hulless | HULL |
hulled and broken | HULLBKN |
hulls | HULLS |
identity preserved | IP |
immature | IM |
inconspicuous admixture | INC ADMX |
inert material | INERT MTL |
inferior variety | INF VAR |
injurious seeds | INJ SDS |
insect damage | I DMG |
insect excreta | I EXCR |
insect parts | I PARTS |
inseparable admixture | INSEP ADMX |
inseparable seeds | INSEP SDS |
kernels | KRNL |
kilograms | kg |
kilograms per hectolitre | kg/hL |
knuckles | KNKLS |
knuckles and straw | KNKL&STR |
knuckles, straw and chaff | KNKLSSTRCHF |
lady’s thumb | LTHMB |
large | LGE |
large seeds | LSDS |
large seeds and broken grain | LSDS & BKN GRN |
large seeds and chaff | LSDS&CHF |
large seeds and small seeds | LSDS&SSDS |
large seeds left in | LSDS LEFT |
large seeds other than wild buckwheat | LSDS XW BWT |
lb/bu Avery | Lb/bu-A |
lb/bu Winchester | Lb/bu-W |
lentils | LNT |
light | LT |
light red kidney | LRK |
lightweight | LTWT |
litre | L |
malt barley | MALT BLY |
malt pellets | MALT PLTS |
maple | MAP |
material | MTL |
material other than splits | MOTSPLTS |
matter other than cereal grains | MOTCG |
mechanical damage including splits | MDMGINCSPLTS |
midge | MDGE |
mildew | MIL |
mildewed kernels | MIL KRNL |
millilitre | mL |
millimetre | mm |
millet | MLT |
mineral matter | MIN MAT |
mineral matter including stones | MINMATINCSTNS |
mixed | MXD |
mixed classes | MXD CL |
mixed colours | MXD CLR |
mixed grain | MXG |
mixed types | MXD TYP |
mixed varieties | MXD VAR |
moderate weathering | MWEATH |
moist | MT |
moist sample | MT SPLE |
moisture test | MST |
mouldy | MLDY |
mouldy kernels | MLDY KRNL |
mustard seed | MUS |
musty | MUSTY |
natural stain | NSTN |
net dockage | NET DKG |
non-registered variety | NON REGV |
not commercially clean | NCC |
not of good natural colour | NGNCLR |
not officially inspected | NOFFINSP |
not ready for export | NRE |
not reasonably good colour | NREASGCLR |
not reasonably sweet | NREASST |
not uniform in size | NUS |
number | NO |
numbers | NOS |
oats | OAT |
oat pellets | OAT PLTS |
objectionable | OBJ |
objectionable odour | OBJ ODOR |
ochratoxin | OTA |
odour | ODOR |
off-colour | OFFCLR |
oil | OIL |
orange | OR |
oriental | ORIENT |
other | OTHER |
other cereal grains | OCG |
other cereal grains and other matter | OCGOM |
other cereal grains excluding wheat | OCGXWHT |
other cereal grains excluding wheat and barley | OCGXWHT&BLY |
other classes | OCL |
other classes of beans that blend | OCLBB |
other classes of flax | OCLFLX |
other classes that blend | OCL BL |
other colours | OCLR |
other conspicuous admixture | OCA |
other damaged | ODMG |
other distinctly detrimental seeds | ODDET |
other foreign material | OFM |
other grain | OG |
other grain not wheat | OGXWHT |
other grains | OGS |
other hulless variety | OHLSVAR |
other inseparable admixture | OINSEPADMIX |
other large seeds | OLSDS |
other matter | OM |
other pulses | OPLSE |
other than | OT |
other varieties | OVAR |
out of | EX |
partition | PART |
peabean | PBN |
peas | PEA |
peas of other colours | POOCLR |
peeled | PLD |
peeled and broken | PLD BKN |
peeled, split and broken | PLDSPLTBKN |
pelleted | PLTD |
pelleted screenings | PLTD SCG |
pellets | PLTS |
penetrated | PENT |
penetrated smudge | PENT SM |
perforated | PERF |
perforation damage | PERF DMG |
Phyto Certificate issued | PHY |
pink | PNK |
pink kernels | PNK KRNL |
pinto | PNT |
plump | PLMP |
poor colour | PCLR |
prairie | PRIE |
probe | P |
protein | PROT |
pulses other than green, yellow or orange peas | PULSESOTGRYELORORGPEA |
pure | PURE |
quality | QUAL |
ragweed | RAG WD |
rapeseed | RPE |
rapid visco analysis | RVA |
reasonably good colour | RGCLR |
reasonably good natural colour | RGNCLR |
reasonably sound | REASSND |
red | R |
red spring | RS |
red winter | RW |
registered | REG |
rejected | REJ |
riddle | RDLE |
rotted | ROT |
rotted kernels | ROT KRNL |
roughage | RHGE |
roughage and aspiration | RHGE&ASP |
roughage and hulls | RHGE&HULL |
roughage including riddle | RGHEINCLRDLE |
roughage, large seeds and broken | RHGELSDSBKN |
rough awn | RAWN |
round-hole | RH |
ruptured | RUP |
rye | RYE |
rye pellets | RYE PLTS |
safflower | SAF |
safflower seed | SAFF SD |
salvage | SLVG |
sample | SPLE |
sample Canada | SPLE CAN |
sample feed grain | SFG |
sample spilt | SPLE SPILT |
sample too small | STS |
sawfly | SFLY |
scab damage | SCAB DMG |
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum | SCL |
screenings | SCG |
seed | SD |
seed coats | SDC |
seeds | SDS |
seeds and destroyed | SDS&DST |
select | SEL |
separation | SEPN |
severe midge damage | SEVMDGE |
severely damaged | SEVDMG |
severely mildewed | SEVMIL |
severely sprouted | SEVSPTD |
shale | SHALE |
shrivelled | SHV |
shrunken | SHR |
sieve | SVE |
sieves | SIEVES |
six-row | 6 ROW |
slightly stained | SSTND |
slotted | SLTD |
slotted sieve | SLTD SVE |
slotted sieve #5.5 | SL5.5 |
small | SML |
small broken | SBKN |
small red | SRD |
small seeds | SSDS |
small seeds and dust | SSDS&DUST |
small seeds, chaff and dust | SSDSCHF&DUST |
smooth awn | SAWN |
smudge | SM |
smudge including blackpoint | SMINCBLKPT |
smudge total | TOT SM |
smut | SMUT |
smutty | SMTY |
soft earth pellets | SEP |
soft red winter | SRW |
soft white | SW |
soft white spring | SWS |
sorghum | SRG |
sound | SND |
sound whole green peas | SNDWHGRPEA |
sound whole yellow peas | SNDWHYELPEA |
soybeans | SYB |
soybeans of other colours | SOOCLR |
special | SPEC |
special bin | SPEC BIN |
special cleaning | SCLN |
special machine separation | SMS |
special select | SPECSEL |
split | SPLT |
split green peas | SPLTGRPEA |
split yellow pea | SPLTYELPEA |
splits | SPLTS |
splits, damage, foreign material and contrasting classes | SPDMGFMCC |
splits in dockage | SPLTSDKG |
spring | SPG |
sprouted | SPTD |
stained | STND |
stained kernels | STND KRNL |
standard | STD |
starchy | STCH |
stones | STNS |
straw | STRAW |
strong | STG |
submitted | S |
sunflower | SUN |
sunflower seed | SUN SD |
superficial discolouration | SUPDISCLR |
Tartarian buckwheat | TART BWT |
test weight | TWT |
thin | THIN |
tombstone | TOMBST |
tonne | t |
total | TOT |
total adhered hulls | TOTADHHL |
total attrition and seeds | TATT&SDDS |
total broken | TBKN |
total bleached including copper | TBLCHINCCOP |
total cockle and sclerotia | TCOCSCL |
total cockle and sclerotinia | TCOCSCL |
total conspicuous admixture | TCA |
total cracked seed coats including splits | TCSDCISPLT |
total damage | TDMG |
total damage and foreign material | TDMG&FM |
total damage, foreign material, contrasting classes | TDMGFMCON |
total damage including wrinkled | TDMGINCWRKL |
total damage, splits, foreign material and contrasting classes | TDMGSPFMCN |
total distinctly detrimental | TDD |
total dockage | TOT DKGE |
total foreign material | TFM |
total foreign material including dockage | TFMINCDKG |
total foreign material including other cereal grains | TFMINCOCG |
total foreign material including sclerotia | TFMINCSCL |
total including contrasting classes | TINCCONCL |
total including damage, foreign material and contrasting classes | TINCDMGFMCONCL |
total including inseparable seeds | TINCINSEPSDS |
total including non-registered varieties | TINCNONREGVAR |
total including splits, damage, foreign material and contrasting classes | TINCSPLTSDMGFMCONCL |
total inseparable seeds | TINSEPSDS |
total large seeds and wild oats | TLSD&WO |
total other cereal grain | TOCG |
total other classes and bleached | TOCLBLCH |
total other oilseeds and inseparable seeds | TOOSDSINSEPSDS |
total removable material | TRMAT |
total roughage | TOT RHGE |
total small seeds, large seeds, wild oats, roughage, broken grain | TSDLSWORB |
total seeds and aspiration | TSDS&ASP |
total seeds and attrition | TSDS&ATT |
total seeds and roughage | TSDS&RHGE |
total seeds and wild oats | TSDS&WO |
total seeds roughage and attrition | TSDSR&A |
total shrunken and broken | TSHRBKN |
total small seeds and roughage | TSSDS&RHGE |
total small seeds, attrition, dust and chaff | TSSDSATTDUSTCHF |
total small seeds, chaff, dust and hulls | TSSDSCHFDUST&HULLS |
total small seeds, roughage and attrition | TSSDSR&A |
total smudge | TOT SM |
total smudge and blackpoint | TSMBLKPT |
total splits and damage | TSPLT DMG |
total sprouted | TSPTD |
total wheat heads knuckles straw and chaff | TWHDKNSTCF |
total wheat of other classes | TWOOC |
tough | TF |
tough sample | TF SPLE |
tough sample Canada | TF SPLE CAN |
trace | TR |
triticale | TCL |
truck | TRCK |
two-row | 2 ROW |
United States of America | USA |
utility | U |
varietal purity not guaranteed | VPNG |
variety | VAR |
varieties with adhered hulls | VARADHHLS |
vegetable matter | VM |
very immature seeds | VIM SDS |
vomitoxin | DON |
weathered | WEATH |
weed seeds in handpick | WDSDS HP |
weight | WGT |
western | W |
wet | WT |
wet sample | WT SPLE |
wheat | WHT |
wheat class declared by shipper | WCD |
wheat heads | WHT HDS |
wheat of other classes | WOOC |
white | WTE |
white cap | WCAP |
white hilum | WHIL |
white hilum grain | WHIL GRN |
white kidney | WKD |
white winter | WW |
whole grain | WHOLE GRN |
whole green pea | WHOLE GRPEA |
whole yellow pea | WHOLE YELPEA |
wild buckwheat | W BWT |
wild mustard | WM |
wild mustard and canola/rapeseed | WM&CNL/RPE |
wild mustard and rapeseed | WMRPE |
wild oats | WO |
Winchester bushel | W bu |
winter | WIN |
wrinkled | WRKL |
yellow | YEL |
yelloweye | YLE |
yellow-seeded flax | YELSDFLX |
zearalenone | ZER |