Peas: Determination of commercial cleanliness

Dockage is not assessed on pea samples that meet the commercially clean specifications set out in the procedures below. All samples must be analyzed to determine if they meet commercially clean specifications prior to dockage being assessed. The analysis of samples which are clearly not commercially clean may consist of a visual assessment. For example, if there is no doubt that a sample contains more than 0.2% of small seeds and coarse vegetable matter then dockage will be assessed using the procedures defined under Determination of Dockage. Where there is any doubt regarding whether the sample is commercially clean the sample must be analyzed using the procedures, and applying the specifications, listed below.

Foreign material in commercially clean peas is treated as a grading factor and not assessed as dockage.

Samples are considered to be commercially clean when:

To determine if the sample is commercially clean, the following steps are to be completed:

  1. Using a Boerner-type divider, divide the sample to obtain a representative portion of at least 1 kg.
  2. Select the slotted sieve (No. 8, No. 9 or No. 11) that will achieve maximum removal of splits with a minimum loss of whole peas. Nest the selected slotted sieve over a number 4.5 round hole sieve. Sieve the sample, approximately 250 grams at a time, over the nested sieves.
  3. Broken pea fragments that pass through the 4.5 round hole sieve are to be separated from the small seeds and included in the total percentage of split peas.
  4. Small seeds passing through the number 4.5 round hole are weighed and the percentage calculated.
  5. The portion remaining on top of the slotted sieve and 4.5 round-hole sieve is handpicked to remove coarse vegetable matter and its percentage calculated.
  6. The percentages of small seeds and coarse vegetable matter are added together to determine if the total meets the commercially clean specification.
  7. Splits and pea hulls are separated from the entire sample. Determine if the pea hulls constitute 10% or less by weight of the split peas.

If any of the components exceed the allowable limits as defined above, the sample will become not commercially clean and dockage is assessed using procedures for primary samples. Dockage is reported to the nearest 0.1%.

Commercial cleanliness is not assessed in Feed peas.